Practical Ways to Stop Incessant Worrying

Oct 26, 2020

Practical Ways to Stop Incessant Worrying

When you think about the future, do you feel happy or worried? Most likely, you will notice anxious thoughts. It’s not uncommon to get caught in a constant cycle of worry.

At times, coming out of incessant worrying seems an extremely overwhelming and impossible feat.

When you’re trapped in incessant worrying, you fret over the same thoughts and fears. It interferes with your day-to-day routine and makes you feel exhausted all the time.

If you worry about yourself all the time and are wondering what to do when you worry too much, you’ve come to the right place. The methods explained below are helpful for worrywarts seeking ways to learn to control anxiety and get inspirations from Angel card readings to overcome struggles.

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Do you Always Worry About Yourself? Here are Tips for You!

Be Aware of Your Thoughts

First things first!
The key to ward off worrisome thoughts is staying aware of your thoughts, as well as your current mental & emotional state. Whenever a worrisome thought crosses your mind, pause for a moment, and confess that it’s a worrisome feeling.

Labeling the thought as a worry helps you to let it go. It’s tempting to ignore your worries and to tell yourself that they don’t bother you, but denying your feelings of worry will only make those thoughts increase and can be more threatening than the worrisome thoughts themselves.

When you are aware of your thoughts, you can acknowledge them and let them go. You will find that they distract you less and let you enjoy your life and be present with the people around you.

Staying aware of your thoughts helps you keep the fear response switched off. As soon as you know worrisome thoughts are crossing your mind, accept them before you try to get rid of them, and replace them with thoughts of positive things around you.

Be Okay with Things Being Out of Your Control

One technique that helps in controlling anxiety and incessant worrying is to trust your intuition and be okay with things being out of your control.

It is easy to dwell on situations that are out of your control. Your inability to ward them off only makes you more anxious.

When this happens, the best thing you can do is to leave such situations to nature or GOD and let them happen as they are meant to happen. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Determine what you can and can’t control.
  • Identify if you expect catastrophic outcomes from things not in your control and try to put them in perspective.
  • Concentrate on controlling your thoughts and fears.
  • Learn and practice problem-solving on the parts of the situation you can control.
  • Last but not the least, create a stress management plan.

Apart from following these steps, start to develop positive affirmations.

Decide How You Want to Feel

Everyone likes peace and joy in their life, but how do you achieve those feelings when you are stuck in a vicious cycle of constant worrying? Begin practicing positive affirmations.

Ask yourself how you want to feel and imagine what it would truly be like to feel these emotions in your daily life. Start with simple affirmations like, “I am safe,” “I am loved,” or “I trust my path.”

The more you affirm these things to yourself, the more your subconscious mind will believe them, helping you to break the cycle of incessant worrying.

Spiritual practice, meditation, and mindfulness are potent against incessant worrying…

When you are caught in the vicious cycle of constant worry, your brain tends to be overactive. When this happens, meditation is an excellent way to quiet your mind.

Let’s learn how meditation helps achieve a quieter mind and makes you stay in the PRESENT instead of the FUTURE.

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Meditation Brings You to the PRESENT

First of all, you need to understand that meditation is not a magic elixir that will make your worries and anxieties vanish.

At its core, meditation is all about quieting your mind and relieving it from its overactive state.

When you worry about something constantly, the mind feels like a hamster on a running wheel that neither changes its direction nor its position.

Meditation doesn’t melt your anxiety, but it brings calmness to your mind by helping you focus more on the present rather than stressing over what may or may not happen in the future.

However, meditation is an excellent coping mechanism, helping you to reach freedom from anxiety and incessant worry.

The primary reason why we experience anxiety is that we fixate either on the past or future, which makes us anxious.

However, when we meditate properly, we entirely focus on now & here. When we are anxious we are buying into our thoughts & feelings, and as a result get overwhelmed.

Our minds tend to constantly revolve around these unwelcome thoughts. Meditation helps us stop paying extra attention to these thoughts, fears, and worries, enabling us to get off the hamster wheel.


The Simplest Way of Practicing Meditation

Meditation is a simple technique to help reduce stress and incessant worrying. Begin by paying attention to your breath. Listen as you breathe in and out and feel the sensations in your body each time you take a breath.

Be gentle with yourself. If you find your mind wandering away, calmly focus again on your breathing.

With time and practice you will be able to keep your attention focused on your breath for longer periods of time.

When you practice meditation regularly, your attention muscles become stronger than ever.

Over time, you become better at focusing on the present instead of being caught in the vicious cycle of constant worrying.

Keep these tips in mind to get the most out of your meditation practice:

  • Find a quiet place to sit where there are no distractions.
  • Sit on the ground on a yoga mat, chair, or cushion with your spine straight.
  • Keep your hands on your lap with palms facing upward.
  • You can keep one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest to help you feel your breath.
  • Focus on your breathing process.
  • Inhale through your nose, allowing the air to go deep into your belly, letting your abdomen fully expand.
  • Exhale through your mouth
  • When you feel that your mind is wandering, return your focus to your breathing.

Start small. Your mind will feel calmer and you will feel less anxious meditating just five minutes a day.

As you improve, you can increase the time to 10-15 minutes or even more.

Final Words

Coming out of incessant worrying might seem overwhelming and impossible for you, but it can be done.

Follow the steps outlined above to help you get on the right track of controlling your anxieties and worrisome thoughts.

Stay patient and committed. All of these steps require practice to be effective. Sick with it and you will start to live a life with less worry.

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