Success Story

As a Transformational Health & Wellness Expert I have always used my spiritual gifts in my practice.

Joan McEwan
Transformational Health & Wellness Expert – Queensland, Australia

5 star

“I come from a line of spiritually gifted ancestors however, I was using my spiritual gifts in a haphazard way, I seemed to be “switched on” all the time with no real control or any real structure and discipline to manage my energy.

I noticed a change in myself and my spiritual growth by around week 5 of the SSU program. This was validated with the weekly practice sessions and feedback from my peers. These sessions also gave me confidence to trust what I was seeing and hearing as prior to this program it was more knowing that I had.

Jen’s program has given me the confidence to trust myself and develop my gifts further. She has provided a robust framework to include a daily practice to develop our intuitive muscle further. My daily practice provides me with more focus, allowing me to be more effective and grounded. Before this program I was not aware that I was not grounded most of the time!

I could feel a shift in my energy, I had so much more clarity and confidence working with my spiritual support team and trusting that when I asked questions the answers came from a source of truth. I can now confidently and accurately complete aura readings, clearing & healings as I access past lives and akashic record information that I was unable to do before this program.

I have now included energy readings in my mentoring programs and am seeing amazing benefits with my clients and they reset and heal. Working with Jen has given me the courage to come out of the spiritual closet and own my spiritual gifts as I now trust what I see and hear. I also have the confidence to ask questions and receive responses from my spiritual support team.

I would absolutely recommend Jen’s program if you are prepared to do the work, you will experience a massive shift with your gifts. I have had many spiritual mentors over the years but have never been taught in such a structured and in depth way. Using Jen’s energetic mastery tools are pure gold!”

I am SO glad Soul Success Unleashed popped up on my social media.

Michelle – The Rockstar Coach
5 star

“I am a holistic life coach as well as a singer/performer. Before taking Jen Gilchrist’s Soul Success Unleashed program, I would often be drained at the end of coaching sessions and exhausted after performances. By taking her program, I learned how to protect and call back my energy. I now feel energized by my work. I don’t take on other people’s energy or emotions and I can easily detach where I would have been stuck in the past. It also helped me to deepen all my clair gifts which has helped me tremendously in my business.

I am so much more confident in my abilities and I provide much more value to my clients. I would absolutely recommend Jen’s program for so many reasons. Her energy is very warm and welcoming and she is 100% supportive.

The material is in-depth but very easy to grasp and she graciously answers any and all questions. The weekly activations, healings, and practice sessions just add to the value of the program and deepen the ability to integrate everything being learned. I am SO glad Soul Success Unleashed popped up on my social media. What I learned in 3 months has changed me forever and I am so grateful.”

Samantha Wilson
I now have focus…

Samantha Wilson
5 star

I now have focus and clarity which has given me so much more peace, joy and passion in my life.

“I would absolutely recommend Jen’s mentoring because she is a real joy to mentor with. She helped me to build on my strengths and work with my personal challenge areas. Jen does it with grace, love and precision. As a result I am living an empowered life, with greater freedom and purpose than I ever thought possible.”

Lorie Avery
Put the work in, get the results…

Tracey Walker
5 star

I am so thrilled with the Soul Success Unleashed program.…

“I am so thrilled with the Soul Success Unleashed program. It went beyond my expectations. I gained so much knowledge and understanding from this course. Thank you for enhancing my life by creating this safe space to allow me to step fully from my shadows into my light. You and this course are greatly appreciated.”

Sasha Sabeth
Jennifer was fast paced!

Sasha Sabbeth
5 star

Jennifer was fast paced, covered a tremendous amount of ground, was absolutely accurate about all that she shared with me.

” I recently had an aura reading with Jennifer Gilchrist. As a psychic intuitive, healer, and Akashic reader myself, I loved this session with her! Jennifer was fast paced, covered a tremendous amount of ground, was absolutely accurate about all that she shared with me. One particular message that she shared with me was particularly precise and powerfully communicated through her choice of words. “

This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made to invest in myself!

Galit Freylack
5 star

This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made to invest in myself!

“I feel as though I am finally living my passion and working towards being my authentic self and fully coming into BEING the person I was created to be by actually DOING what I’ve always wanted to, which is to connect with spirit for the purpose of healing. I am now in the Mastery Certification course and I look forward to growing and healing and then going out into the world and sharing this with others for their own growth and healing as well! I am finally beginning to come out of the “spiritual closet” and embracing my authentic self. I have a FB Group called Once Upon A Soul and hope to create and manifest abundance in many forms, spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially and more. This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made to invest in myself!”

I recommend this program whether you are experienced or brand new.

Crystal Lynn Perez
5 star

I am so happy that I signed up for Jen’s Soul Unleashed Group.

I quickly and easily learned to do aura readings and past life readings! She gives you many different tools to use that assist with healing for yourself and your clients. I signed up with the intent to help my clients and yet, all the practice and readings are also helping me heal, ascend and center. I recommend this program whether you are experienced or brand new, you will gain the skills and confidence needed to excel.

I have grown exponentially in my energetic healing and clairvoyant abilities but the biggest thing Jen has helped me with is releasing all my old patterns, ansestial patterns…

Lorie Avery
5 star

I was searching for a mentor and teaching for my spiritual gifts as well as a business mentor. I thought I may have to find two mentors, one to teach healing and clarivoant skills and one to teach me about business.

“Jen is both of these! She has helped me understand my unique spiritual gifts and to hone and expand them. She has taught me how to know the difference between my energy and if I have taken on someone else’s energy. This was HUGE for me as I was unaware I was doing this but it was impacting me deeply in my everyday life.

I started off with the Soul Success Circle, and found it empowering and educational, I then joined the Soul Success Unleashed training program and worked with Jen one on one coaching. She is amazing at every level and I continue to learn from her with each encounter that I have in all the programs and coaching I am doing with her.

She continues to help clear this and my skills grow each time. It is different from any other teacher I have worked with in the spiritual realm. Jen is the real deal, I and many others I know have been deeply wounded by teachers in this demographic, Jen empowers you, lifts you up, reflects your own brilliance to you and is always your biggest fan. “

I’m really enjoying this training & how much I’m learning to be able to help both myself & others using my newly acquired energy tools

5 star

“Before taking Jen Gilchrist’s Soul Success Unleashed program, I was starting to awaken to my energies within & was pretty much in the dark about how to work these energies.

After the program, I’m now able to more easily release what doesn’t serve me and I trust my gifts fully when working with others to find their blocks & help them to release the same. Although I’m still working on ‘seeing’ & ‘reading’ auras, I know full well to trust my healing abilities & my intuition already… & I have faith & believe fully that my additional gifts are on their way. “

I feel so much more clear, focused and energized

Ashley Hoobler
5 star

“It normally takes me 3 cups of coffee to feel awake, and using Energetic Mastery tools each morning I feel so much more clear, focused and energized to start my day in about 20 minutes.”

I highly recommend Jens classes and she’s also an awesome coach!

Elizabeth Bridges
5 star

“I have been meditating every day for about four years.
I would say my spiritual practice is really strong. The things I have learned in Jen’s Energetic Mastery program have taken my meditation practice to the next level.

I now have tools that are very easy to access every time I go into meditation. I feel more connected to my higher self and spirit when I use the tools that I have acquired in Jen’s classes.”

Before taking the Soul Success Unleashed Program I was at a very difficult crossroads in my life

5 star

“You see, I’ve been a lightworker for many years. I became a Reiki Master in the 1980s and a hypnotherapist about 8 years ago. I have done the Angel Realm Certification thru Doreen Virtue as well as other important intuitive courses through the years I’m retired from a 28 year career in Health care and always enjoyed my interaction with patients. Prior to Covid I had a private Reiki practise. I have always loved what I do but for some reason my access to my higher self was completely obstructed. I felt really dark for the first time in my life!”

The karmic life came up out of nowhere and clarified why I have been struggling with a situation.

5 star

“My favorite training in the Soul Success Unleashed program was learning how to read past lives because it was one I could really connect with. I had incredible epiphanies and clarity behind some of my empowered lives (not to mention validation on a past life). The karmic life came up out of nowhere and clarified why I have been struggling with a situation.

Also learning how to ground and establishing a habit by using the tools on a daily basis was a big transformational benefit for me. “

My favorite 2 modules in Soul Success Unleashed program

5 star

“My favorite 2 modules in Soul Success Unleashed program were learning the De-Activate and Elevate tool and Accessing the Akashic Records, but mostly for the same reason, which is that I have been working on getting to the root of my genetic and subconscious programs that have been hindering me from expressing my true soul self, and although all of the modules work to this end, these two were the most enjoyable for me in that process (I can dig out those kinds of answers in the Akashic)”

The program has changed the course of my life, spiritually yes and physically, emotionally a heap.

5 star

“I would highly recommend Soul Success Unleashed to a friend because the program has changed the course of my life, spiritually yes and physically, emotionally a heap. I feel so much lighter, wiser and more trusting of my intuition now because this program has inspired me to take action on the information I receive.

One of my favorite tools is the De-Activate and Elevate. This tool enables me to clear the way of fears and matching patterns for myself and whomever I’m reading. We can then both move forward with the issue highlighted and progress using our own personal power/gifts.

The practice sessions were very helpful and that was a big draw for me as part of the course. I liked practicing my new skills with like minded people and noting how everyone works in a slightly different way using those same skills.”

You were frequently mentioned as a favorite speaker!

Kristine Miranda
5 star

“I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share that in the Summit survey I sent out, you were frequently mentioned as a favorite speaker! Just thought I’d let you know. ❤

The response was overwhelmingly positive and I hope that more people were able to discover you as a result. I deeply believe in your work and what you are doing. I feel so lucky to have been able to connect with you. Thank you again for everything!”

After the program, I am able to experience energy on a level I have never felt before

Anthea Bruce
5 star

“Before taking Jen Gilchrist’s Soul Success Unleashed program, I had no more experience than always having a level of intuition without fully understanding it. But now, after the program, I am able to fully understand it, see energy with huge clarity and experience energy on a level I have never felt before, as a result, it has given me absolute confidence to follow my path without question. Not only has it enhanced me and my personal life in all areas but also my business life, it has allowed me to see clear direction of best paths and greatly enhanced my interspecies communication. It has given me the confidence to set up a business (BridgingInsights) which when I start it in a few months time, with Jen’s tools I know it will only grow.

I would absolutely recommend Jen’s program because now when I ask for answers and set intentions they come to me very clearly and quickly. For example, I had been looking for accommodation for 6 months and kept going to an area I wasn’t sure of, I asked if this is not my area please show me so I don’t waste any more time coming here. Next time I went there I saw something that was not acceptable and put a lid on the area. I asked that I get a place in the are of my first choice of area (property is like hens teeth in that area) and within 3 days a house came up and it was mine. This is one example of many. Thank you Jen for taking my already happy life to new levels of happiness, security and clarity.”

Jen teaches in a very accessible way and makes it very easy to understand.

Alexandra de Laszlo
5 star

“Before taking Jen’s Soul Success Unleashed program, I would be in awe of people who could do energy work and felt as though they were ‘other’ to me. Before I was even halfway through Level 1, I understood that I was not able to do this kind of work myself, but that I could do it really well. Jen teaches in a very accessible way and makes it very easy to understand and start practicing her mastery tools safely and quickly.

She is the rare teacher that seems to take genuine pleasure in passing on what she knows and seeing you fly. I have not set up a concrete business using what I have learned yet, but am in the process of creating it, part of which involves having posted straight-to-camera videos online, which I don’t think I would ever have had the courage to do without having taken the course (yes, Jen addresses blocks to taking action to!)”

I have learned what and where my energy is and how to keep everyone else’s out of my aura

Missy Skadsem
5 star

“I was at a point in my life where I knew I needed guidance and help with my gifts and I had been through so many free classes not finding any one that pulled me in. Then I joined Jen’s Amplify Your Clairvoyance classes and for the first time ever I felt a difference after a healing done online. It was amazing and I knew I found the teacher/mentor that was perfect for me. Since completing Soul Success Unleashed Level 1, I have gone from not knowing if I really had any gifts, not knowing if my spirit support team was real, and just feeling completely lost to now knowing I definitely have gifts and they are stronger than I ever would have believed, my spirit support team has been trying to help me for a long time and they always will, and to knowing I am here to use these gifts to help others on this journey.

I have learned what and where my energy is and how to keep everyone else’s out of my aura completely which is one of the best tools because I struggled from being an empath that had no idea what it even meant. This has been a life changer. The amount of healing we have done is just amazing! It makes such a difference in your life whether you’re trying to start a business or just live a more peaceful life.

I love the fact that I can read auras & energy, and even give a healing. Jen is an amazing teacher because she is so understanding and makes you feel like you are right where you belong, no matter where you are in your path. She’s so laid back and she knows what she’s doing for sure. I now have the confidence and knowledge to start my own online spiritual business, with my spirit support team and I know it is going to work out exactly as it should. I want to thank you a million times, Jen. I hope you know how wonderful you truly are and how you’re appreciated.”

I overcame my anxiety and concern about staying psychically protected while I develop and expand my clairvoyant gifts.

Brenda Belderol
5 star

“Before taking Jen Gilchrist’s Soul Success Unleashed program, I knew I was sensitive, but did not know what to do to develop my sensitivity and still stay protected. After the program, I learned different tools to ground myself, and to develop and expand my inherent, untapped potential. I was able to learn how to ground myself and release energy that was not helpful to me. I was able to “read” auras and increase my sensitivity and expand awareness.

I overcame my anxiety and concern about staying psychically protected while I develop and expand my clairvoyant gifts. This motivated me to go to the next Mastery level and get certified. I am and will incorporate this in my personal life and maybe even start a business with my daughter, whose gifts are more developed than mine.

Jen’s program is effective because it is all done in a welcoming, encouraging and non-threatening environment. The classes have been developed so that you can go at your own pace and at your own time (Perfect for me because I have personal and time constraints); and the live meetings ensure that you stay on track and your questions are answered.”

The program allowed me to overcome many obstacles, stepping on my original life path.

Athanasia Tsakalou
5 star

“When I first met Jen in a retreat I was surprised by her positive, vibrant energy!!! Then, I followed her to her 4-day mini-series program and I realized that she is a very gifted and authentic teacher, sharing valuable information for our soul’s purpose and highest path. As an empath, highly sensitive and intuitive person I soon felt the Soul Success Unleashed course, could definitely help me transform my weaknesses into powerful skills and that’s what happened next. Although I dealt with many obstacles, the tools acquired from the program allowed me to overcome them, stepping on my original life path!!! Thank you, Jen, for all your support!!! I am so grateful and proud for being a student of yours!!!”

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Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments