How to develop psychic abilities, move through your blocks and align with your soul purpose

Workshops are a fun, affordable and focused way to develop your psychic abilities

Upcoming Live Workshop

Cover photo of St. Germain Channeled Messages and Activations.

Merlin: Channeled Messages and Activations for manifesting miracles, expanding time, collapsing old timelines and activating your magic within.

Tuesday, January 21st at 11am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm UK (Replay will be available)

Awaken your divine power, spiritual gifts and higher consciousness information so that you can create a quantum leap and align to your highest timeline.

You have so much information within your DNA and light bodies laying dormant within you that it is ready to be awakened and activated at the next level. Merlin is a powerful ascended master who is eager to support you in remembering your power and gifts as the divine being of light you are and initiate your next level of ascension.

During this workshop series, you will ….

  • Experience channeled messages and transmissions from Merlin to support you in manifesting miracles, expanding time, collapsing old timelines and activating your magic within.
  • Receive a transformational activation journey to awaken DNA and light bodies laying dormant within you that it is ready to be awakened and activated at the next level. You will also release outdated fear based beliefs and programming.
  • Awaken and call back your ancient wisdom from other lifetimes and illuminate the next chapter of your soul's blueprint.
  • Participate in a transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (the replay will be sent out if you can not be live)

When you register for this Workshop you will receive

Video Training


Guided clearing and activation meditation (mp3)

Live in depth clairvoyant reading for the collective group energy and energy healing on Tuesday, January 21st at 11am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm UK (Replay will be available)


This workshop series is a 2 part bundle experience

Part 1: Immediate access to a video training, workbook with alignment activities and guide mediation journey Mp3 on the monthly topic.
Part 2: On the third Tuesday of the month there will be a live 60 min call where Jen will give a timeless group clairvoyant reading and clearing on the current collective energy to support you in aligning to your highest potential on the workshops monthly theme.

Registering for a workshop is easy and simple. Most workshops give you instant access when you join!

When you register for a Workshop you will receive

Video Training


Guided clearing and activation meditation (mp3)

Recording of aura reading for the collective group energy of past and future participants and energy healing

Jennifer Gilchrist Hands over Heart

Amplify and Accelerate Your Psychic Gifts with my Comprehensive Programs

Workshops are amazing as they focus on very specific talents and gifts of highly sensitive empaths, intuitives and lightworkers. They empower you to amplify your psychic abilities quickly

To develop and awaken your innate soul gifts through progressive exercises, techniques, teachings and heart-centered guidance I encourage you to enroll in one of my programs.

All workshops include an additional 30% discount that will be auto applied in your cart and checkout.

Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts Soul Alignment Activation and Clearing

Sign up below to receive the meditation sent straight to your inbox!

  Live Activation Masterclass Series:

Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments