Table Of Content
- What is Light Language?
- Where Does Light Language Come From?
- Forms of Light Language
- What Is Light Language Activation? And What About Light Language Transmission?
- What Is Light Language Used For?
- Who Can Communicate in Light Language?
- Light Language as a Powerful Healing Modality: How it Can Accelerate Spiritual Growth
- Final Thoughts on Light Language
A light language is a natural form of non-linear communication that catalyzes your inherent wisdom and healing. Light codes received through transmissions activate your full body, your connection to your higher self, and your source of energy. It provides emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
Here, we’re going to talk about “what is light language?”, what it is used for, and how it serves us. Keep reading to learn more!
What is Light Language?
Light language is the language of the universe. It is your soul’s language that holds your unique frequency or essence. Think of light as information, and light language as a channel that brings that subtle information forward into physical reality.
This form of language is said to originate from the subtle realms and is used to transmit healing intentions and energies. It is a higher-frequency multidimensional language of light that works directly with your body’s frequency, heart center, and DNA.
It is a fifth-dimensional communication coming through now stronger than ever to assist humanity in this time of ascension. It is said to be the language of the soul. This is why it is a powerful modality for healing, clearing, and receiving spiritual guidance.
Light language in its nature is so vast and expansive that in its entirety it has several definitions. This overarching term encompasses many other things like light codes and sacred geometry. To grasp it in its true sense, it is a form of channeling where one can tune oneself to the galactic frequencies of the Universal Language of Light.
It can also be a form of sound healing that can help us connect with the higher realms of consciousness. It can be expressed through:
- The voice (toning, chanting, speaking, singing);
- Hands (writing, dancing); or
- Body (movement, intuitive hand gestures).
Light language communes with the soul. It is not something you have to understand rationally with the human mind, rather, it is something you feel deep within your heart. There are no light language alphabets that you could translate word for word. If you hear it spoken, it might sound like gibberish that’s difficult to decipher.
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Where Does Light Language Come From?
Now that we’ve answered the question, “What is light language?”, let’s explore its origin.
Light language stems from the universe and your soul. Simply put, light language is coming from and through you. It comes from your higher aspects, incarnated into other dimensions and subtle realms.
Using light language requires you to connect to universal guidance through a state of higher vibration. When you are open to receiving this guidance, you become a channel through which you receive and transmit light codes.
What are light codes?
Light codes are packets of subtle information transmitted through light. Since everything in the universe is made of light, so are you. An analogy is a fiber optic internet which transmits information in the form of light.
Light codes are dormant aspects within your DNA, which carry and transmit vibrational frequencies. You can access these encoded messages to heal your body, mind, and spirit. The codes can have multiple forms, both visual and auditory, such as sacred geometry and mantras.
These light codes work directly with your heart center and energy body, bypassing any understanding of language that exists in the third-dimensional sense.
With light language symbols, you can easily create positive messages for your mind and body using phrases like “I am at peace” (a mantra translated into English language) or crafting a pendant that you wear which has the form of a sacred symbol transmitted to you in meditation.
When you send these types of intentions through light language symbols, they go straight to the heart, where they are received at a soul level and translated into language (information) at the quantum level. They enter the physical realm as quantum vibrations with healing power.
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Forms of Light Language
The transmission of light language occurs when a message enters a person through the form of encoded information. These light codes are channeled for a specific purpose, often to provide healing, insights, or beneficial reprogramming. These ascension codes are said to be experienced on a soul level beyond the scope of the logical mind.
Being a multidimensional language, there are different ways it can be expressed or experienced:
- People may hear it through sounds. However, the sounds are typically gibberish and non-translatable.
- It can also be expressed through movement, intuitive body gestures, or dancing.
- It can be channeled through art as a form of living transmission. This allows us to receive ancient knowledge or healing.
- In written form; many people who are doodlers may doodle certain light language symbols or shapes without being aware.
Through singing.
The expression of light language can adapt to the natural gifts of the person receiving it, such as through their dominant claims. . Other forms of light language communication may utilize a combination of hand gestures, body language, and facial expressions.
Auditory light language may incorporate distinct ancient sounds, which may include clicks, whistles, pulses, and musical tones. In terms of what it looks like when being channeled, remember that it won’t look like light language alphabets.
Some people who have experienced light language transmissions describe it as a buzzing or tingling energy flowing through their entire body.
What Is Light Language Activation? And What About Light Language Transmission?
Light language activation can mean one of two things:
- Activation of your ability to speak the light language in you.
- Using light language to heal or activate certain aspects of your life.
When you combine the power of intention with the frequencies of light language, true magic occurs.
In light language transmission, a person uses light language as a tool for reprogramming their energetic field for a specific purpose. These transmissions are accessed through a process called downloading.
Downloading such transmissions may come in five ways:
- Light language words
- Visuals
- Sounds
- Feelings
- Thoughts
During this transmission, light language is used as an encoding technology for energy to work deep beyond the levels of the conscious or even subconscious mind to repair energetic patterns that may be negatively affecting your day-to-day life.
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What Is Light Language Used For?
Light language is a beneficial ascension tool that can be used to connect and communicate with their spirit guides. It is known for its psychic ability to connect with the divine and receive guidance and support from the higher realms. If you’re looking to connect with your higher self and channel your intuitive abilities, light language can be a powerful tool for doing that.
It is a potent tool that allows you to clear your field and your system to its natural state, the state of abundance.
It’s also an awakening tool that illuminates you to your higher self. It also activates your dormant DNA and your psychic abilities. It is a tool on your ascension journey that enables you to embody all multidimensional aspects of your being.
Imbalances in your body, mind, and spirit are perceived as lower vibrations. Light language is a transmission of higher vibrations that override lower vibrations.
Finally, light language facilitates healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. If you’re feeling stuck or need some guidance on your healing journey, light language is a powerful healing tool.
Like other spiritual tools, this language requires practice and elevating your energy to access it. Once you clear your channels to access light languages, it becomes natural for you to channel its power. For example, during meditation, you may sense something surging inside or quickly moving through your body (even with or without full awareness of what happened).
Who Can Communicate in Light Language?
Everybody has the innate ability to practice, connect, and communicate with the language of their soul. Light language is the language of the soul, and we all have a soul.
Working with light language is communicating with and through your higher self. Each transmission and channeling is unique to every individual as each person’s higher self will take what is beneficial. Thus, any one transmission, although with the same channeling information, will have a different impact on each person.
Fundamentally, light language is a catalyst for the release of blockages on all levels to help you be in alignment with your highest good. This profound and beautiful healing energy will stimulate and activate certain areas of your being to progress you toward evolving across all levels of your being.
When communicating in light language, your mind will not be able to understand exactly the words or sounds that are being channeled. However, you will feel a sense of belonging, warmth, and familiarity that extends beyond the physical limitation of this earthly dimensional reality. Your heart, soul, and spirit will recognize this beautiful light language activation and frequency as it impacts your senses.
An integral part of our life’s mission is to continue our own internal healing and ascension journey. Working with light language and light codes is a powerful way to fulfill this mission. Awaken your dormant DNA and experience powerful light transmissions to support you in aligning and living your soul’s purpose.
How to Learn and Translate Light Language?
There is no light language alphabet. This universal and non-linear language is most often not translated word-for-word. Rather, it is a deeply layered transmission of consciousness and healing information.
As we mentioned earlier, light language is best described as an experience. Something stirs deep within you and you realize that it wasn’t just babbling or scribbling. The language is understood, but not consciously.
Because the language of light is non-linear, it is not bound by time or space. It is entirely different from memorized, contextualized language. It bypasses the mental limitations of the brain.
Every human is capable of accessing the language of the universe. Some open it spontaneously, while others can cultivate the capability. Thus, the ability to translate the language of the light is active for some and for others, it can be nurtured into expansion.
The best way to learn and translate light language is to set your intention and let it happen naturally. Your intention is your greatest asset, and since this language transcends beyond the best, it is best not to try and interpret it consciously during the transmission.
Don’t get too hung up on the need for light language to make sense to you. This energetic transmission talks to your soul on an energetic level, and figuring it out logically will slow down the ability to fully comprehend its unique meaning. This is very important and is often an impediment to progress when starting.
Communicating in the light language is entirely different from channeling messages from your angels and guides (See this article on Spirit Guides and Communication to learn more). Once the experience is done, you may meditate and reflect on any thoughts and ideas that come.
Light Language as a Powerful Healing Modality: How it Can Accelerate Spiritual Growth
The language of the light is rich with the information of love and healing that is inherent to life. It is a powerful healing modality because each time you interact with yourself, you receive a new healing since your energetic field is constantly changing.
Interacting with light language develops your telepathic channels, opens your Clair abilities for deeper communication, and expands your ability to interpret the multidimensional streams of information constantly surrounding you.
Light language speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recording your vibrational frequency. It releases past information or trauma that blocks your growth and initiates light codes to activate your highest good.
Furthermore, light language can help you achieve spiritual awakening to connect your psychic gift to the next level. When you activate this language, your soul receives the blueprint and other ancient knowledge to help you heal, manifest more quickly, and access tools from other timelines to help you feel more empowered.
Final Thoughts on Light Language
The language of the light is a powerful catalyst for the ascension of humanity. It’s a highly vibrational language that dissolves misaligned energies quickly. It raises your vibration so it connects you to your psychic gifts and aligns you to your highest purpose, so you can embody your true self in this timeline.
As you interact with light language, it illuminates your divine nature and weaves your loving intention into your life. You connect your quantum nature, your vast, subtle self, and your human self. It accelerates your creativity and improves life on Earth.