Breathe in. Exhale. You’re one step closer to inner connection through TLC.

As you begin to build a greater awareness of yourself and those around you, return to the guided meditation below. It will help focus your energy on small, productive healing moments to make you stronger in the next.

Thank you for joining me in today’s short practice.

Feel free to download this guided meditation and take it with you wherever you go.

Keep the spiritual momentum going.

The men and women who reach out after they add a little TLC to their meditation say they feel optimistic, inspired, and more connected to their inner selves.

They have more energy, have tapped into their intuition, and see a clearer path forward through the chaos.

That’s because TLC full-body meditation creates space for potent communication between our bodies and minds. It helps us become honest about how we feel, and to locate the deeper truths within us.

Yet, as we begin to re-evaluate ourselves and our place in the world, it is common to feel a sense of isolation as we grow and change.

With no one to look to for guidance, some begin to lose momentum.

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Stay motivated and amplify your spiritual connection to the soul.

I’m excited to tell you now that TLC full-body meditation is just one small part of a bigger whole.

If you found the guided meditation above helpful, then you’re likely ready for the next step in your spiritual journey!

This step will also help you stay motivated as you challenge yourself to reconnect with your soul’s true purpose.

If you’re anything like I was when I first started, you want to...

...identify limiting energies, beliefs and mythologies

...gain fulfillment and inner confidence, and

...inspire yourself to action.

But are blocked due to…

...a lack of inner confidence in your daily life,

...loss of control over your moods and general well-being, and or more sources of negative energy within or around you.

The next step?

ACTIVATE the new found connection between your mind and body.

You’ve created space for alignment, awareness, and self-connection; next you must activate that space to unleash your soul’s true purpose!

Mindful activation will help you:

Confidently receive the messages your body sends you

Avoid energetic overwhelm

Tap into your own spiritual truth

Explore your channeling gifts

Learn to heal others


Ready to align with your soul’s purpose?

Please enjoy the benefits of my FREE soul activation series below:

Contact Us

Hi! I’m Jen Gilchrist, Soul Alignment and Success Mentor + Speaker. It is my gift and passion to awaken people to their inherent soul gifts and help them clear soul-level blocks so they can fully show up in all their brilliance. Can’t wait to see you in-class.

Join my FREE 4-Day Activation Series
Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments!

Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts Soul Alignment Activation and Clearing

Sign up below to receive the meditation sent straight to your inbox!

  Live Activation Masterclass Series:

Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments

FREE Live Activation Masterclass Series: Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments

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