Intuition Activation
Amplify Your Chakras and Rock Your Ascension
Uncover and Cultivate Your Primary and Secondary Gifts to accelerate your spiritual journey and align to your highest path
Align, Embody and Express Your Divinity to Align with Soul Purpose and Create Success
Are you ready to clear past fears, patterns, karma and programming that is keeping you stuck and playing smaller than you know you are DESTINED to be?
Are you ready to connect deeper to your intuitive gifts so that you can experience amazing and life changing transformation?
If so, you’re in the right place!
I remember when I first had my awakening and my intuitive gifts began to come online. It was so exciting to be able to see the synchronicities the Universe and my spirit guides were sending me. I had always thought that “psychic” gifts were reserved for a special few people… has this thought ever crossed your mind?
Then I had a meditation teacher guide me through a practice in which I received accurate guidance through claircognizance about why I was repeating unhealthy relationship patterns in my life, when I thought I didn’t “have” this psychic gift! This opened my eyes as I learned we all have these gifts. As of that moment I began to actively cultivate this gift within myself. Intuition Activation is meant to give you this same spark! ✨
It was so exciting and empowering to know that I could consciously create my life and manifest my desires by tuning into my intuition and allowing my higher self and spirit team to guide me one step at a time by receiving signs and next steps through my intuition.
One of the very first “big” things I manifested for myself was going to swim with 100’s of wild dolphins in Kona, Hawaii on a spiritual retreat for my birthday. At the time I had no clue how I would be able to afford it, but I had really seen evidence in my day to day practice of allowing my intuition to guide me.
I knew I had to hold that vision, ask for signs and follow the intuitive guidance. My angels told me to just save all the cash I made for weddings in a box. Low and behold to my surprise about 6 months later I had all the cash I needed to sign up!!
A funny thing happened when I went to go and officially register and pay. I literally froze like a deer in headlights white knuckling $2700 dollars of cash. My mind began spinning with all the reasons why I “shouldn't” and my mind spinning with thoughts of how “irresponsible” and “selfish” that would be to spend that on myself.
Thankfully my teacher and retreat leader was there. She kindly said, are you a bit triggered? Lol 😧
In that moment I realized if I didn’t give this to myself I would be giving into my fears: that I would not be able to create money like this again. So I threw the whole wad of money in the air and we both laughed. I ended up going at least 6 years in a row. Take that fears! That was a defining moment that upleveled my ability to receive. What does your next level vision look like?
Have you ever had fears and doubts come in and stop you from going after your dreams or feeling worthy enough to give yourself something that you really wanted?
Trust me I get it, I really do.
The good news is we can release these fears, limiting beliefs and family programming that keep us from manifesting our desires.
We are meant to have it all!
We are all born with this innate desire to create the life we desire. We are all also born inherently worthy. When you develop you intuition and clear your blocks you can create and manifest anything you desire.
Are you ready to uplevel and….
- Liberate yourself from painful cycles that keep on repeating themselves over and over again that keep you away from what your soul desires
- Accelerate your spiritual path and align to your higher path
- Recognize when chakras are in or out of balance and learn to balance them
- Uncover, awaken and amplify your secondary gifts
- Everyone has one or two stronger gifts, AND everyone can develop their other gifts; Intuition Activation will help you unlock and activate them.
This is why I created the Intuition Activation
Activate Your Chakras and Rock Your Ascension transformational bundle! It’s different from other programs out there as I work in a multi-faceted way to align body, mind and spirit.
Transmute Limiting Beliefs, Fears and Ancestral Patterns
You will learn to identify and recognize your fear based blocks so that you can liberate yourself from painful and limiting cycles. You will also receive additional healings and clearings on the most common patterns and activations upleveling and healing.
Balance and Amplify Your Chakras
You will learn tools and processes to bring your chakras back into balance which you can use to navigate throughout your life. You will also receive activation meditations to awaken and amplify your energy that will accelerate your healing and ascension journey.
Accelerate Your Ascension Journey and Align to Your Purpose
Learning to keep your chakras aligned and going back to alignment with your chakras enables you to gracefully express the highest truth of who you are. You will naturally deepen your clarity and alignment to your soul's blueprint so that you can live your higher purpose and be of service to humanity with your unique gifts.
Embody Your Conscious Creator Power
Learn to develop and equip yourself with the tools to bring spirituality in practicality so that you can consistently and confidently manifest your dreams and goals into reality with a simple and duplicatable 5 step process.
This course is great for you ...
Whether you are new to learning about your chakras and spiritual path or if you have been on your journey for quite some time!
You will learn solid foundational understanding of your chakra system, as well as tangible practical ways to balance and work with your chakras to make a positive impact in your day to day life and biz.
You will also have a powerful and transformational library of activations at your disposal to bring you support for each chakra anytime you need an energetic reset.
After I created these course activations, I personally received a huge increase in my psychic gifts and had an awakening to channeling light language for the first time and attracted my next level spiritual council to support me in my purpose work.
The soul alignment activations you will receive will meet you where you are at to take you to your next level every time you listen.
During our time together you will…
Create harmony between your physical, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies so that you don’t keep going out of alignment and working on the same things over and over again.
Learn to identify and clear blocks, patterns, fears and patterns from your chakra system so that you can elevate your energy and manifest with more ease.
Experience deeper alignment and awareness of your higher self and soul's purpose which will bring you a greater sense of joy and happiness.
Learn practical and easy to implement tools and processes to consciously manifest your dreams and step into your creative power.
Release fears that are holding you back from your big vision such as: writing a book, becoming a professional healer or reader, speaking on stages sharing your story or whatever your unique purpose is!
Activate and cultivate both your primary and secondary intuitive gifts. We all have these abilities within just waiting to be tapped into.
Communicate with 14 angels so that they can help guide and support you to both heal and align to your highest path with more ease and grace.
Learn how to integrate spirituality into your life and business, creating a more meaningful and successful career.
Love From Our Clients
"Life changer! Woohoo!
Jen’s phenomenal Intuition Activation tools that bring ease and more joy into everyday life.
These fundamental Intuition Activation tools make me realize this was a HUGE missing piece for my clarity and honing my abilities. I can feel my gifts sharpening up by the simple implementation into my morning ritual.
At the bare minimum I need to activate my Ground & Release, my Crystalline Earth Energy, my Divine Source Energy, and my Embody tools every morning to experience an easier, more grounded, more focused day with extra clarity. I don’t feel scattered throughout the day. I feel centered and that automatically gives me a more positive day.
And if that weren’t enough, the Crystalline Silhouette… oh I can’t say enough about this tool. I feel shielded. I feel grounded. I feel protected and safe. Wow! This is my “ go to” tool. I can breathe."
"We don’t realize how much energy or low vibrations we are holding unto on an unconscious level. Just as law of attraction teaches you to keep your thoughts and feelings positive, Jen’s intuition activation course can help you to clear out the junk. A lot of the energy we are holding onto is not our own. Eek!
The tools, guidance and insight she gives you are powerful to shift your energy and be in alignment. I don’t know about you, but living life in flow is what I most desire. I can now recognize when it is not my own energy bringing me down! This is a huge awareness!
Because I can check in and use the tools to release it and step into my higher self. We were all born perfect and meant to do amazing things. One of my goals, as a coach is to help my clients feel empowered and shift into their greatness. Jen gives you an easy and quick way to shift into who you are as a divine being.
I recommend her intuition activation course to anyone who wants to release what is not working and tune into flow."
Intuition Activation Rock Your Ascension and Elevate Your Success
We are going to give you an energetic overhaul and clear the stuck gunk from your chakra system, energy field and emotions, so that you can truly create the success and happiness on your terms.
It is time to cultivate your intuition so that you can experience
new levels of joy, fulfillment and freedom while living a life of success on your own terms!
This is how the Intuition Activation program
will look…
5 Weekly video training ~ tangible tools to cultivate your intuitive gifts ( 5 clair’s)
Transformational overhaul of 7 main chakras and correlating layer of the aura so that you can be aware of to move through your ascension process with more confidence and ease
5 Playbooks with weekly alignment activities to cultivate your intuition
5 Soul Alignment Activations and energetic clearing with the Archangels to support each chakra, as well as, mental, emotional and spiritual growth
Learn to work with your spiritual support team by receiving and interpreting divine guidance
Get introduced to 14 Archangels and Ascended Masters so that you can begin to work more closely with your spiritual support team
Lifetime access to all the course materials. Many people love listening to the activations again in the future to gain a whole new level of clearing and awakening.
Love From Our Clients
"I am loving the meditations. They have been truly life changing for me. I have found myself spontaneously apologizing to my (adult) children for less than stellar parenting at times and have let go of some of that guilt. I did the best I knew how to do back then, I know that, but I wish they had the person I am now instead of the sad, lost, wrong, frozen in fear, anxiety filled person I was then. "
Inside of your Intuition Activation transformational experience you will…
Access 7 Weekly modules, each with a video training and playbook to do deep work to clear, balance and activate each of the 7 main chakras.
Module 1: Root Chakra
This chakra houses all of our survival information and programming around living in our 3D world. When this chakra is out of balance you may have financial blocks, issues with health or feeling safe in the world. You will clear and balance this chakra which will allow more abundance into your life.
Module 2: Sacral Chakra
This chakra houses your creative energy and empathic abilities. When this energy center is out of balance you may be overwhelmed with your emotions or those of other peoples, you could have old inner child wounds and trauma imprints here which could drive unhealthy relationship patterns. When you learn to balance and heal this chakra you will feel happier, more creative and experience much more bliss in your life and relationships.
Module 3: Solar Plexus
This chakra houses your energy distribution in your body, your will, confidence and your inner power. When this chakra is out of balance you may find yourself lacking energy or unable to release control which will lead to difficulty manifesting amongst other things. Balancing and activating this chakra is essential to your ability to consciously create your dreams.
Module 4: Heart Chakra
This chakra is your ability to have love and empathy for yourself, others, the planet, animals and your connection to the Divine. When out of balance you may have difficulty receiving in general, find you are closed off or limiting your ability to give and receive love. Balancing and activating this chakra allows you to experience yourself and others from an elevated space of love and increases your ability to receive in all areas of life.
Module 5: Throat Chakra
This chakra houses your psychic ability of channeling, as well as, has a lot to do with your creative expression and patterns around speaking your truth. This chakra usually has a lot of blockages that if left unattended will create issues in all types of relationships and hinder your ability to create.
Module 6: Third Eye Chakra
This chakra houses your clairvoyant abilities and is also heavily tied to your ability to manifest and see spiritual truth. When out of balance our own ego fears and those of others can easily cloud our judgment and create a lack of clarity around your dreams.
Module 7:Crown Chakra
This chakra houses channeling abilities and is tied to your ability to trust yourself and subsequently affects your ability to trust your intuition. When this chakra is balanced and activated you can own your certainty and trust yourself in any situation.
Love From Our Clients
"That was deep and powerful. It certainly helps me to serve on a deeper level, trusting the guidance and my own gifts. I will definitely be listening to it again and enjoy the alignments again."
In addition to the core Intuition Activation program you will receive 4 complete workshops to create a full spectrum of support! These workshop help you further amplify your gifts and manifest your soul purpose with your newly activated gifts.
Each of the workshops focus on different aspects of personal development and spiritual growth, such as conscious creation, intuition activation, and aligning with one's higher path and purpose. The additional content is designed to help you deepen your understanding of these areas and make significant progress on their spiritual journey.
Each one of the workshop series includes…
Video Training
Guided clearing and activation meditation (mp3)
Timeless aura reading and clearing for the collective group energy
#1 Activate Your Clairvoyant and Channeling Abilities with Archangel Raziel: Trust your intuitive information to guide you in living your highest path and purpose
Learning to trust your intuitive information is an essential key to living your highest path and purpose. Fear and doubt are the biggest blocks for people when it comes to trusting their gifts and upleveling to their highest potential.
Archangel Raziel shared with me a new Rainbow Light Code Alignment Activation to support those who are feeling called to step into their intuitive power at the next level.
- Learn how to work Archangel Raziel and other tools and processes to support you in developing your clairvoyant and channeling abilities.
- Receive a brand new high level Rainbow Light Code Alignment Activation to awaken and amplify your spiritual gifts, ancient wisdom and DNA.
- Timeline clearing to release fears and doubts in yourself and intuitive information that has been passed down through ancestral line, family patterns, past life karma, societal and religious programming (audio Mp3)
- Receive channeled messages from Archangel Raziel to align to your highest path and purpose.
#2 Your Soul’s Purpose: Calling all lightworkers, change agents and spiritual entrepreneurs, your time is now!
You came here perfectly equipped with a unique role to bring healing and hope with your gifts as the collective awakens and evolves. You're an important piece of grand divine plan to support humanity in creating heaven on earth, and it’s happening now!!
That inner alarm clock going off within your heart and mind will not stop until you embrace and fully answer the call. That is your soul's remembrance to who you are and what you came to do.
While there is not a handbook telling us step by step how to fulfill your purpose driven mission, you do have access to all that you need, you just have to remember, trust and take the guided steps one or two at a time.
During this workshop you will …
- Maintain a focused intention that allows you to keep moving forward on your path
- Surrender to the process with unwavering faith
- Stand your ground even if you are misunderstood by those around you
- Release resistance to allow you to move through your comfort zone with more ease and grace
- Gain clarity of your unique gifts and souls purpose
- Experience a guided soul gift alignment activation to activate your souls blueprint mp3
- Leverage your spiritual support team to guide you on your path
- Clear limiting beliefs and negative energy from within and around you
- Channeled messages and intuitive guidance to empower you and your next steps
#3. Success Rituals and Activations with Lakshmi and Saraswati: Embody more joy, channel your creativity and take inspired action on your dreams.
This workshop series will support you to Align, Embody and Express your Divinity in all areas of your life, business and relationships so you can experience more joy, fulfillment and abundance.
Lakshmi and Saraswati came forward with a desire to ignite your passion, creativity and support you in elevating your vibration so that you can manifest at the highest level.
As conscious creators we must also take action on our dreams. So often our unconscious fears can disguise themselves as procrastination, lacking clarity or feeling frozen in overwhelm. You will receive an energy clearing on the fears and doubts that are holding your back.
During this workshop series you will experience…
- Embody to your joy, channel your creativity and take inspired action alignment activation Mp3
- Channeled messages and guidance from Lakshmi and Saraswati to activate your creative energy and next steps to take to manifesting your desires.
- Success rituals and activations to amplify your manifesting power
- Energy clearing on unconscious fears and programming such as: procrastination, lacking clarity, competition energy, feeling frozen in overwhelm or feeling apathetic and lack of motivation to take action.
#4 - Light Language Transmissions + Activations to Align Your Body, Mind, Soul and Activate Your Conscious Creator Within
This workshop series is designed to support you in stepping more fully into your ability to consciously create the life you desire! The light language transmissions work in tandem with the 5 steps to conscious creation so you can use them over and over again to support you in reaching your goals.
Light Language is a powerful and transformational spiritual tool and healing frequency that can support you in stepping into your next level of awakening on your spiritual path and ascension journey.
When your body, mind and soul are aligned and integrated in your being, you will experience more peace, joy, abundance, freedom and overall well being.
During this workshop series you will experience…
- 3 Light Language Transmissions to support you in aligning your body, mind, soul, as well as, elevate your frequency and integrate your spiritual growth so that you can begin to see the benefit in a tangible way and receive the manifestations you desire.
- Learn 5 Steps to Conscious Creation, a process that will teach you step by step how to actively navigate and manifest your desires with more quickly and easily
- Embody more clarity, confidence and courage to go after your dreams and live at your highest potential as the conscious creator you are.
✨ Amazing Bonus✨
Bonus: A journey into the chakras: Harmonize your chakra system to be in alignment with your spiritual gifts and highest path!
This new and exclusive meditation activation for this program is a beautiful and powerful next step that will integrate your healing that will anchor in your expansion with ease and grace.
You will receive two versions. One with theta healing for deeper transformational support. As well as, one without any music for a more reflective and contemplative experience.
Love From Our Clients
"Thank you I had tears of unconditional love. My soul resonates with your teaching. I'm so grateful that I followed the guidance that led me to you."
“Thanks for the powerful clearing and alignment activations, that I really love. This was beautiful work!! So supportive for all of us.” Setting the intention was so timely and also super powerful, fun and enjoyable. I felt so uplifted afterwards and empowered. Thank you. "
"That brought me to tears! I felt the energy so strongly flowing through my body into Gaia."
“Thank you. Feel the more I attend the more I open up to love, feeling love. So much do I appreciate your work."
Ready to join Intuition Activation digital course?
Enroll Now!2>
A training for intuitives, highly sensitive people and empaths to eliminate roadblocks in your life
The early bird pricing ends on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm PT.
$ 725
One-time payment
$ 257
3 payments billed monthly
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve already learned about the Chakras in other courses like my yoga program.
You will learn new things from different teachers. In addition to learning the basic qualities you will have access to a healing library to use at any tie to clear your chakras whenever they are blocked, as well as, further activate your gifts. You will also learn to recognize when each chakra is in and out of balance so that you can stay in a higher alignment through out your waking day.
Am I too much of a beginner for this course?
No, not at all. This course will teach you all the foundation and fundamentals you need to get started with activating your chakras, healing yourself and accessing your intuitive gifts.
Am I too advanced for this course?
What is unique about this course is that the activations will meet you where you at and go deeper with both supporting you in healing your fears and patterns, as well as, a skill set to become more aware of how to live in alignment with your higher self and guided by your intuition. I have many students who use these activations and healings for years to come. You will likely also learn new activities to stimulate and cultivate your gifts.
I already get energy / chakra clearings from a practitioner, why would I need this?
There comes a point on your spiritual journey that your soul guides you to be more self reliant. This way you learn the skill sets to stay aligned in your day to day life and shift your energy to feel better anytime you wish, versus, having to wait and then also pay for an appointment.
This course also gets you more empowered with consciously creating the life you desire that is more fulfilling and aligned with your purpose.
Will I understand the terminology and this may be foreign language?
Yes, Jen teached in a way that breaks spirituality into practical terms and use in your everyday life. You will be given a clear solid foundation to understand esoteric information.
I can’t feel / sense / see my chakras / energy centers, will this really work?
Yes, absolutely! If you have a desire to awaken and actively work with your chakras you will begin to sense them through these practices. Your energy centers are a part of who you are as a spirit. It just requires some grounded focus and practices to awaken this awareness with you.
I don’t have the time right now?
The good news is this is a self paced bundle and you get lifetime access to the course materials to allow you to go at a pace that works best for you. It is important to make time for the things that foster our growth as in the end it will save you time, energy and money when you learn to allow your intuition to guide you in your daily life.
I already know my purpose, will this help me still?
That is great you are clear on your purpose!! After working what thousands of people on living their souls purpose, I have found that gaining clarity of your purpose is just the first step. There are many fears and doubts that stop people from taking the action needed to gain momentum to create viable business. You will also find that developing your intuition will fast track your purpose as you will take more streamlined action and also begin to “download” ideas that come from your soul and Source versus your mind and logic which will yield better results and a lot more fun!
I don’t have any direction or soul purpose. Will this only be theoretical?
No, not at all. This will be a great place to start to gain clarity and direction. Often it is fears, doubt and social programming that keep us confused about our soul purpose. Through this course you will begin to clear these fears and doubts, as well as, learn skills to identify and clear future blocks that may arise.
You will also be given though provoking meditation journeys and alignment activities to help you gain clarity on your unique souls path.