Free Masterclass on September 14th at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET


Energetic mastery for life and business success as a highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath

3 Tools and practices you can apply in your life today to raise your vibration and navigate life with ease

Experience this Free 90 Min Masterclass

with gifted Spiritual Mentor Jen Gilchrist, creator of the Soul Success Unleashed modality

Presenter: Jen Gilchrist
Date: September 14, 2021
Time: 14th at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET

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Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll automatically receive a recording.

When You Attend this Free Masterclass, you will discover:

Jen Gilchrist

The ways energetic overwhelm can sabotage your success and how to shift it

Quick and easy tools to support you in not taking in your clients energy and emotions and run it in your personal space.

How to turn your sensitives into your greatest gift by accessing your intuitive/psychic gifts.

Learn a process to manage your sensitivities during intense collective energy and heightened emotions.

How to integrate your masculine and feminine energy to stay in alignment and experience life and biz without burning out.

Experience a powerful group healing to clear cords and other people's energy from your space, as well as, support the group to release some patterns that allow these cords to come into your energetic field.

You will also receive an alignment activation to raise the vibration of your own masculine and feminine energy to release family and societal programming and bring you into balance.

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Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll automatically receive a recording.


End of The Day Meditation to Release, Work, Clients and Stress.

A guided meditation process to consciously transition out of your work day, so that you do not energetically take your clients and workload home with you. This allows you to have more energy and be present to enjoy the rest of your day.

TLC Body Meditation: Talk, Listen and Commit to your body's needs.

A guided meditation walking you through a quick and easy tool to help you release stuck energy, resistance and emotions.

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video Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll automatically receive a recording. 

Jen Gilchrist

Confession: I've read every self-help book and have taken MANY spiritual classes...

…but for the longest time I didn’t know I was intuitive or highly sensitive...I had never heard of that in fact. But come to find out that is what led to my overwhelm as an entrepreneur!

Finding out that I was energetically overwhelmed from what I absorbed from the day from my clients allowed me to figure out the tools and tips I needed to change my life and business... and it's what's inspired me to put together this masterclass for you!

If you're a spiritual entrepreneur who feels totally overwhelmed energetically at the end of your day, but you are committed to reaching true success in your business, I invite you to join me for this Masterclass!

Attend this free masterclass Energetic mastery for life and business success as a highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath

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video Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll automatically receive a recording. 

Meet Your Teacher And Spiritual Mentor, Jen Gilchrist

Jen Gilchrist, Transformational Success Mentor and Speaker 

An Entrepreneur for 20 years and a Spiritual Mentor for 10 years Jen Gilchrist has gone from Struggling Single Mom to a 6-figure Business Owner doing what she loves and empowering others to do the same. She works with “Highly Sensitive” and Spiritual Entrepreneurs on a deep level, helping them to reclaim the confidence, trust, and tools needed to harness  their intuition, align with their purpose and step into their next level of leadership in their business and life, so they make a bigger impact in the world while experiencing new levels of freedom of time, energy and money in their purpose driven business.

She considers being a mother to her beautiful and talented daughter her greatest joy and accomplishment. Her favorite personal pleasure is to swim with the wild dolphin pods in Kona, Hawaii. Jen has been on close to 40 different dolphins swims with hundreds of dolphins and says that it is both a playful and spiritual experience and that she  has learned and transformed herself through these experiences exponentially.

Jen Gilchrist

Attend this free masterclass to receive 3 tools and practices you can apply in your life today to raise your vibration and navigate life with ease

We respect your privacy. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.
video Note: Don’t worry if you can’t be there live, when you sign up, you’ll automatically receive a recording. 

Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts Soul Alignment Activation and Clearing

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Free Masterclass :

Energetic mastery for life and business success as a highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath

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Free Masterclass :

Energetic mastery for life and business success as a highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath

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  Live Activation Masterclass Series:

Amplify Your Clairvoyance, Channeling and Healing Abilities While Releasing Doubts and Fear of Judgments