Emotions Running High: Be Emotionally Strong

Mar 1, 2021

emotional high scaled

Do you find your emotions running high all the time? Don't be let your emotions take control and let your emotions flow in a healthy way.

Sometimes this happens when we don’t give ourselves enough quiet time and space to reflect and unpack what we are feeling. Sometimes we are being emotionally triggered when we have been hurt by someone close to us.

Either way, it is important to tune your heart and align it with love. This helps you to work through your emotions to a place of growth and trust in yourself.

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How to Give Yourself Some Quiet Time and Space

Life can feel busy in this day and age. It is essential to regularly take some time out of each day for yourself. If you don't take some time each day to interrupt the daily routine of your life with a quiet moment, it ultimately gets harder to stop and can lead to burn out.

By not giving ourselves time and space free of distractions and devices, we can lose our ability to know what's important to us and our sense of self. Providing yourself some quiet time and space keeps your body relaxed, heals your soul, and makes you emotionally strong.

Meditation is an excellent way to quiet your mind. It creates a pause in your busy routine and makes you feel emotionally strong. Meditation is an intentional pause among external activities, giving you an easy way to collect your feelings and emotions and reduce stress.

Meditation provides a deliberate focus on many things, such as physical sensations, breathing, emotions, internal feelings, or personal reflections. Practicing meditation helps lower blood pressure and improves metabolism, respiration, intelligence, memory, and empathy.

There are many methods for providing yourself some quiet time and space. It is important to find what works best for you and your current situation.

Here are some ideas to help you connect with your feelings and emotions in order to better connect with the people around you:

Right ArrowTake a break from work or studying and sit quietly for ten minutes. Turn off devices and free yourself from distractions. You can take time to just look out the window and let your mind wander freely. Or, if you like, keep a pen and paper or your journal close at hand and write down any thoughts and feelings that come to you during this time.

Right ArrowHave a set hour during the evening where everyone in your family turns off all of their electronics and devices. Dinner is a great time to practice this. Use the time to reconnect with your family members on an emotional level.

Right ArrowTry to build half an hour into each day where you can escape from the world. If it is nice outside, take a solitary walk or sit in nature listening to the birds and other natural sounds. Or find a place to read quietly or write in your journal.

How To Clear up Hurt feelings within Relationships

What would you do if someone you love hurts you deeply? Sometimes the people nearest us do things that injure us emotionally. Being hurt emotionally is a kind of devastating human experience that no one ever wants.

Whether you’ve been hurt by a spouse, partner, or a close family member or friend, emotional pain can run deep in our hearts and it is difficult to let go of those past hurts. Different emotional pains trigger in our hearts and hurt our feelings. This can often happen years, or even decades, after the original incident took place.

Why is it so hard for us to release that pain and be free? Listen to your intuitive self. It may be telling you that it is time to let go of your pain to begin healing your hurts and relationships.

Emotional Energy

Getting to the Root Cause

One powerful way you can begin to release the emotional hurt , is to give yourself some time and space in meditation and journaling time to really acknowledge and honor your feelings.

See if you can step out of the specific "story" of the incident that caused this pain and ask yourself, how did it make you feel?

Keep on asking yourself this question until you get to the core root cause. This is where the deep lasting healing can happen, when you can transmute this pain at its root cause.

You will see that this situation is shining the spotlight on a deeply rooted pain within you. This is actually a gift and where the transformation and healing happens.

Often, times these stem back to karmic patterns that you are being called to let go of and move on from.

Going through this process will strengthen you and help you grow into a better person. There are several ways you can work on letting go of your emotional hurts. You can start to let go of your pain through our free guided audio meditation (no emails required).

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Feeling nostalgic is one path to healing hurt feelings within relationships. Feeling nostalgic is a way to recall a happy memory from those relationships with people that have hurt you.

Sometimes a photo, song, scent, story, or signature of a person can also trigger nostalgia. Remembering the good times you had together and why you began to love this person in the first place can remind you that the relationship is worth the effort it will take to heal.

Recalling your hopes, feelings, and emotions from the past is also incredibly grounding and will help stabilize your current emotional state as you begin to heal.

You can access nostalgic feelings together, as well, to help heal a relationship. Listening to each other’s nostalgic memories is likely to give you both a psychological boost.

Learning new things about their past experiences can help you to understand where the other person is coming from. Start simple: ask them questions about their past, about books or clothes they liked as a teenager, or what their favorite subject was in school.

These types of questions can have you feeling nostalgic together, enabling you to begin to work through the hurts between you.

While feeling nostalgic can stabilize you emotionally, it is important to note that it can also keep you stuck in the past. Beware of trying to recreate the past. Instead, enjoy the memories and use them to reconnect with yourself and your present.

Amnesia Remember Good Memories

Refresh the good memories of the person who hurt you to try to clear up hurt feelings within a relationship. Recall the good times that you spent with the person to reinvigorate your energy. It will help you stay focused to achieve your current goals and put you on the path to healing the relationship.

Try to remember the achievements and success that you got from that relationship. Recalling a memory is an excellent way to clear up hurt feelings with relationships.

Tap Letting Go

One of the best ways to deal with hurt feelings in a relationship is to cut the attachment that caused you hurt. This can be a hard step to take, but sometimes it is necessary to protect yourself.

There are times when we need to move on from relationships in order to honor our own protective boundaries. It helps to look at it as personal growth rather than giving up.

Heart Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a common way to reconcile hurt feelings and relationships, but this is sometimes misunderstood. Some people believe that a person should forgive, forget, and move on.

However, forgiving is not about forgetting; sometimes, you can forgive but not forget. Remember that forgiveness is for you. It does not immediately heal the problem in the relationship, but it does free your soul so you can begin to heal.

Tune Your Heart and Align with Love

Tuning your heart and aligning with love can heal your soul spiritually and clear your heart from negative emotions. This is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It is a way to endure the changes that are happening and create hope for the future.

This practice gives us all a welcomed fresh perspective on our current situation, whether that is taking time for ourselves or healing a relationship. Heart aligning helps you live purposefully and merge with your soul's purpose to bring it to life.

This process has the potential to significantly change your life so you experience lasting happiness. It also helps to shift your karmic pattern and enable you to live a more positive life.

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